Powered By Electricity, Driven By Community | Introducing the Otto Charging Network.

Otto Car
2 min readMay 25, 2021

Back in 2015, Otto Car introduced the Rent 2 Buy scheme, giving private hire drivers in London the opportunity to become car owners, many for the first time. The scheme was refined over time to include industry-specific insurance, servicing and all the other administration that comes with running the car as standard. With the rise of electric vehicles in our space, Otto Car wanted to take the Rent 2 Buy scheme one step further and give private hire drivers the one thing they really needed to get the job done, a charging network that gave them instant coverage and unrivalled choice.

Introducing the Otto Charging Network, which has over 600 rapid chargers spread across multiple networks. With range anxiety being the biggest obstacle to switching private hire drivers from diesel and hybrid to electric, Otto Car wanted to find a 360 solution that works for the driver the second they pick up their brand new electric car.

As an optional extra plan within the Rent 2 Buy scheme, private hire drivers are given the power to take charge and drive with peace of mind. Not only do they get the coverage they deserve but also at a cheaper price, due to the exclusive discounts on charging available to them. On top of this, any unused kilowatts in a given week can be rolled over to the next, meaning they never lose out.

Otto Car’s Founder and Director Gurinder Dhillon stated ‘We’re entering a new era in the private hire industry and our products and services need to reflect this. We’ve listened to our drivers’ feedback and delivered a service that will help them succeed on the road”.

With the largest private electric car fleet in Europe, Otto Car is leading the charge, helping to support their key partners such as Uber with the Clean Air Plan and clean up our cities’ dirty air.

You can learn more about the Otto Charging Network here


Written by Richard Tester



Otto Car

Sunday Times Fast Track 100 alumni 2019 & 2020. Helping PCO drivers become car owners and supporting the private hire industry’s transition to electric.